Uniting the senses through food, fine wine, scent, sound, movement and setting, the Waldorf Project is an immersive experience on a grand stage, in which art is taken in through all of the senses.
Following on from the Waldorf Project: Chapter One / MUSKMELON, which received great critical acclaim in 2012, Chapter Two / COLOUR delved into colour beyond the visual, creating several monochromatic environments in which the character, emotion and absolute command of colour saturation will be explored. At its zenith a new taste was realized, presenting a fresh perspective and a new challenge in the synchronisation of consumption and emotional sentience.
Waldorf Project : Chapter Three / FUTURO took place in 2016 and was staged under the Japanese emotional concept of AMAE (甘え), meaning ‘a temporary surrender in perfect safety’. In a menu comprising proteins, fibres, carbohydrates, hydration and alcohol – transformed and unrecognisable as its individual ingredients – Chapter Three / FUTURO begins this journey with an initiation: ‘Cleanse’. Stripping away all worldly thoughts, concerns and frameworks of understanding, the first courses (all in liquid form) prepare you for the journey on which you are about to embark.
Testing responses and emotions, imposing feelings of tension, discomfort, fear, intrigue and bliss, the Waldorf Project takes the art of gastronomy and places it among environment design, product design, sound design, choreography, costume and textile design. It is through this incomparable synergy and imagination that such a singular collected sensory reaction, or ‘sixth sense’ of emotion, can be orchestrated.
TBurnsArts has been working closely with Sean Rogg and his team throughout the development of concepts relating to the Waldorf Project and has continued to direct the PR strategy from Chapter One / MUSKMELON right through to the upcoming Chapter Four / BARZAKH, for which further details will soon be announced.
Image © Lee Arucci